Monday... We can count on this fact today.
Do you have someone in your life who you can count on? Well if you don't this is such an important fact for you to know.
Mondays are unique days, especially after a time change. It was still dark for me getting up this morning and for some they always wake up in the dark emotionally. And they just have to fight to get up. Yes, I have gone through those kind of days. They are no fun.
Well let's begin this Monday with this fact. Psalm 130:5 (NLT) says, "I am counting on the Lord; yes, I am counting on him. I have put my hope in his word." The Amplified Bible says, "I wait [patiently] for the Lord, my soul [expectantly] waits, and in His word do I hope."
This is such a great way to start a new day. I love the Psalms and this one is such a good one. Now there are three words that can uplift us if we do them.
One is counting. I am counting on this being a good day because I have God in my life. Yes, I have a lot of people in my life that I can count on but I love this fact, it makes such a difference. Everyone can count on God. You can too. Now people are not God. Yes, he does brings people into our lives who we can physically count on but situations happen and they can be gone. We can count on their memories but physically they are gone. Yes, I can always count on God.
Another key word is patiently. Yes, we can always count on God but we many times have to wait patiently. We know he is there in our life but things may not be happening when we want them to happen so it is important that we wait patiently. That is what faith is all about and also trust. Yes we can wait patiently on God and we can for sure count on him no matter what we are going though. Did you need that reinforced in your life today?
And then there is another word and that word is expectantly. I can expect that God is working on what I am going through. I am not alone. I can wait patiently and expectantly because I am counting on him.
We each one really need that every day, don't we? Verses 5-6 in The Message says, "I pray to God - my life is a prayer - and wait for what he'll say and do. My life's on the line before God, my Lord. waiting and watching till morning, waiting and watching till morning." And even if it is a Monday morning after a time change. Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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