Proverbs 12:1 (NLT), "To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to hate correction."
Thursday... Two words that are not normally used today.
If we would have called someone stupid we would probably be corrected. We would be in trouble if we called someone stupid, wouldn't we? But four of the translations that I have read today use the word stupid so I am sure it is what the writer of this Psalm meant.
And the other word is correction. We seem to be in a time in our culture that we don't think correction is the way to go but Biblically it is.
Now the Amplified Bible says, "Whoever loves instruction and discipline loves knowledge." Just because we are not in school doesn't mean we need to quit learning. We still need a hunger for it especially the knowledge that God gives.
And then the writer says, "But he who hates reproof and correction is stupid." We are never too old to be stupid and for some the older we get the stupider we get.
Now the next two verses reinforce this. Verses 2-3 (NIV) says, "Good people obtain favor from the Lord, but he condemns wicked schemes. No one can be established through wickedness, but the righteous cannot be uprooted." We need to know that.
So many never read the Bible, they never find themselves in church so they never know God's way of thinking. And they wonder why they are going through what they are going through. I never would call someone stupid but it really is stupid to not know what God thinks and what he condemns and what he favors and what he rewards.
So let's not be stupid and need correction. Let's love instruction and be disciplined and love knowledge and see what a difference God will make in our lives. Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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