Monday... You matter to Him no matter your age.
It is so easy for us to look down on others because of their age. But Proverbs 20:29 (NLT) says, "The glory of the young is their strength; the gray hair of experience is the splendor of the old." God in no way wastes his time putting people down because of their age. We each one have great worth to God. We really do matter to God.
Margaret and I are heading out today to Colorado to be apart of our oldest granddaughter's graduation from high school. We are so excited. and she is so happy that we will be there. You see, each one of us in our family matter to each other. Now our middle granddaughter is going with us and their cousins and uncle and aunt are so excited that she is coming. That is what family is all about. We really do love each other no matter our age.
I love spending time with all four of my granddaughters and also each of my kids and their mates. I love my family and I pray for each one of them by name every day. Yes they all really matter to me.
Now there is a great divide in the world in which we live between young and old. It seems that they don't have a whole lot in common but the fact that they matter to God means that they also matter to us. We really do need each other. We really do.
The Amplified Bible says verse 29 this way, "The glory of young men is their [physical] strength, and the honor of aged men is their gray head [representing wisdom and experience]." Now The Message says it this way, "Youth may be admired for vigor, but gray hair gives prestige to old age." It is also easy for us distinguish in importance between men and woman, boys and girls. Yes our age and our sex has distinguishing differences but in no way are we to look down on each other. Each one of us matter to God. The same is true of the different colors of our skin.
David writes in Psalm 140:1-3 (NLT), "O Lord, rescue me from evil people. Protect me from those who are violent, those who stir up trouble all day long. Their tongues sting like a snake; the venom of a viper dips from their lips." And there is a whole lot of that happening in the day in which we live.
Oh God, may we not be those kind of people, filled with hate. But may we be filled with love, your love. Yes, you matter to Him, to God no matter your age. Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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