Monday... Yes, we are. Yes, we are.
We may not think we are as important as many may think they are but we are important. Yes, we are.
I was headed into Aspire Coffee this morning to get a cup of coffee and do my writing and I heard someone calling my name. It was the manager who came to tell me that the air conditioning was out and that it might be a good thing for me to go to Starbucks. Now she didn't need to do that but she did. She was thinking about my comfort. And I appreciated it. Now I wasn't the only one that she did that too but I did appreciate it.
Look at this. Psalm 144:3 (NLT) says, "O Lord, what are human beings that you should notice them, mere mortals that you should think about them?" He's talking about God here and he's talking about you and me.
It is true that we think about ourselves, it seems, all the time. We for the most part don't think about people around us, we don't even notice them. They are just mere mortals and I am really something. And taking care of me is a full time job. Or we have the other way of thinking. I am nothing, nobody notices me. I am worthless.
Now we can think that it doesn't matter what I am doing, I can do whatever I want and nobody will notice but God does and it matters to him what we do. And then the other side is that I really do not matter. I am worthless. Nobody cares what I am going through but God does.
Verses 3 & 4 in The Message says, "I wonder why you care, God - why you bother with us at all? All we are is a puff of air; we're like shadows in a campfire."
But he does. He really does. We really do matter to him. Each and everyone of us. Now only a God who is all knowing and ever present could do that. We may picture him up in the sky somewhere, sitting on a throne and looking down on his kingdom and that is true but he also is everywhere. He is right where we are. And he is not bothered by us because we really do matter to him. And he is ready to make a difference in and through us and for us and for himself.
And He really does care. He really does. So let's reach out to him and also reach out to those around us. If they matter to him then they need to matter to us. Yes, Yes! #todaysbeginning
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