Wednesday... So what kind of trouble are we in today?
We all can have trouble about us. Trouble came about because of Adam and Eve and their doing what God told them not to do. And so trouble entered this world. Yes, we all can have trouble. So what do we do?
Psalm 77:2 (AMP) says, "In the day of my trouble I [desperately] sought the Lord." Verse 1 says, "My voice rises to God, and I will cry aloud. My voice rises to God, and He will hear me."
Now some don't have that kind of relationship with the true God. Their god doesn't start with a capital G. And they have no memory of anything thing that their god did for them but if our God starts with a capital G then there are memories of His helping us in times of trouble and a good place to start in our time of trouble is to remember what He has done before. That gives us confidence, that strengthens our faith.
The Psalmist writes in verses 11-12, "I will [solemnly] remember the deeds of the Lord; Yes, I will [wholeheartedly] remember Your wonders of old. I will thoughtfully consider all Your [great and wondrous] deeds."
Have you ever thought that that would be a great thing to do even when you aren't in trouble? It would be very profitable to go someplace and meditate on what God has done for you in your past times of trouble, of how He brought you through, and He brought good out of it.
Verse 13 says, "Your way, O God, is holy [far from sin and guilt]. What god is great like our God?" We need to stop and remember that and reinforce that into our heart and our mind. The world does all it can to tear down our God. And in our troubles it is easy to think that they may be right so we need to reinforce how wrong they are and we do that by meditating on what He has done.
Verses 15 & 16 says, "You have with your [great] arm redeemed Your people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. Selah. The waters [of the Red Sea] saw you, O God. The waters saw You, they were in anguish; The deeps also trembled." Verses 19-20, "Your way [of escape for Your people] was through the sea, and Your paths through great waters, and Your footprints were not traceable. You lead Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron [to the promised goal]." Crossing the divided Red Sea on dry ground with the Egyptian Army chasing them and then seeing the water coming together over the army was their memory of "What god is great like our God?"
And we too can remember that. That the God who did that can take care of our trouble no matter what it is. So what kind of trouble are we in today? Just remember what your God has done and have faith that He can do what needs to be done. So, "My voice rises to God, and He will hear me." Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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