Saturday... A longing fulfilled is so sweet.
I am about to have another birthday. The number is really not that important except that is has longevity attached to it. And there is some benefit attached to longevity.
I have found that many who in their older years have not found life to be fulfilling but I have. I love doing what I do everyday and it really is fulfilling to me.
I understand what Proverbs 13:19 (NIV) means when it says, "A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul, but fools detest running from evil." The NLT says, "It is pleasant to see dreams come true, but fools refuse to turn from evil to attain them." God for sure is each and every day fulfilling a dream he has put in my life.
I love doing what I am doing right now. Sharing a word from God's Word to those who need something to encourage them six days a week.
Now that is not true of everyone. The writer of Psalm 73:1-3 says, "Truly God is so good to Israel, to those whose hearts are pure. But as for me, I almost lost my footing. My feet were slipping, and I was almost gone. For I envied the proud when I saw them prosper despite their wickedness." And then in verses 13-14 he says, "Did I keep my heart pure for nothing? Did I keep myself innocent for no reason? I get nothing but trouble all day long; every morning brings me pain."That is what envy does.
He then in verse 20 seems to get another picture. He says, "When you arise, O Lord, you will laugh at their silly ideas as a person laughs at dreams in the morning." And here is that word again, dreams. Dreams without God can be silly ideas but with God there is fulfillment.
He goes on. Verses 21-24 says, "Then I realized that my heart was bitter, and I was all torn up inside. I was so foolish and ignorant - I must have seemed like a senseless animal to you. Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with the counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny."
It can be so easy for us to get our eyes off of God's desire, his dreams, his purpose, his glorious destiny for our life.
He then says, "Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak but God remains the strength of my heart, it is mine forever."
And then verse 28, "But as for me, how good it is to be near God! I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do." That is where real fulfillment comes in! Yes, yes #todaysbeginning
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