Friday... But tomorrow is tomorrow.
King David, the writer of Psalm 110 in the latter part of verse 3 (NLT) writes an encouraging word. He says, "and your strength will be renewed each day like the morning dew."
Too many times we wake up with deep anxiety about tomorrow. I don't think I have what it takes to handle tomorrow. I just can't do it. And that is so true. You cannot do tomorrow today. You can't even go back and change yesterday. And that is where we live too many times.
Now thanking God and learning the lessons from yesterday is a great way to handle yesterday but in no way do you need strength for yesterday. And then tomorrow, we worry and go over whatever we believe is going to happen tomorrow but we don't have the strength to handle tomorrow yet because we don't need it yet. But today, that is a different story.
I may be worn out from yesterday but "your strength will be renewed each day like the morning dew." Now that is the way to face what you are facing today. You have what it takes. You don't have what it takes for yesterday and tomorrow but you have the strength to face today, if you have allowed God to be a part of your life.
Now God does that in many ways. Reading the Bible is a great way He uses if we will read it. Today was my day to read Psalm 110 and there it was, verse 3 and it was there to be used by God to give me strength to face today. He renews our strength when we thank Him for what He did yesterday. Being reminded of what He has done renews me for today. And then connecting to Him through prayer gives us strength. Praising Him and thanking Him and asking Him renews my strength. It gives me confidence and faith that He will be with me and that He will supply what I need for today. I will not be alone. He is with me. Now that really does renew my strength.
So let's live today with the strength we get from a relationship with Him. "and your strength will be renewed each day like the morning dew." Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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