Thursday... They bring memories.
As I was reading in Psalm 20 (NLT) this morning I came upon a verse that I used before God back when Margaret and I were young. We were headed out to buy a new car and we were anxious and I found this verse, verse 4 which says, "May he grant your heart's desire and make you plans succeed" so we went out looking with confidence. And we found a car that met our desires so we bought it with confidence. And later in our time with that car the motor went out and we had to spend a lot of money on it.
Now this experience taught me that God wants to give us our desires but He also wants us to use wisdom and to seek His guidance.
Over in Proverbs 20 verse 29 it says, "The glory of the young is their strength, the gray hair of experience is the splendor of the old." And experience is a great teacher and verse 18 says, "Plans succeed through good counsel, don't go to war without wise advice."
Now we just bought another car but because of the experiences of life I went through so much searching and wise counsel to find out if it was a wise thing to do. Yes desire is important but that is only one of the voices within us to help up succeed. And God many times gives us our desire to teach us, to mature us, to give us experience.
Are you in God's Word on a daily basis? Do you have wise friends with experience around you and do you ask them for advice? Are you constantly cultivating your relationship with God? Is His Holy Spirit living within you ever ready to guide you and prod you to His desired destination? Remember this, His voice is not usually the loudest voice and you have to stop and listen for it and that will make such a difference in so many ways in your life.
Here is the key, is our desire in tune with His desire? That is so important. But also remember what Psalm 20:1 says, "In times of trouble, may the Lord answer your cry." He also helped us when the motor of that car went up and He used it all to mature us and give us experience in living life.
He does want to give us our heart's desires but He also wants them to be in tune with HIs desire. Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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