Friday... There must be more.
Here is an interesting thought. Psalm 129:6 (NLT), "May they be as useless as grass on a rooftop. turning yellow when only half grown."
It is easy to start a relationship with God and feel better but don't continue to grow. You feel better but you just don't do what needs to be done to grow.
I know of some who come to church, ask Jesus into their life, even get baptized but never enter again the door of a church, pick up the Bible to study, never spend time in prayer and with other believers and they are turning yellow because they are not growing. It takes more than praying the prayer to grow just like it takes more than just being born to grow into a healthy individual.
Even at my age it takes much more than living off my past experiences for me to grow in my relationship with God. I need time with Him as I do with my wife to grow in our relationship.
Verses 6-8 (MSG) says, "Let them be like grass in shallow ground that withers before the harvest, before the farmhands can gather it in, the harvesters get in the crop, before the neighbors have a chance to call out, 'Congratulations on your wonderful crop! We bless you in God's name!' "
There must be more than just planting the seed for it to grow. So let's spend time with Him and with other believers as they feed into our lives. And let's also go to church if we physically can. Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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