Wednesday... Have you ever tried praise? It will make a difference!
Now we have tried the opposite, haven't we? We've tried gripping and put downs and belittling. And that too can make a difference but it is a negative difference. But have you tried praise?
Psalm 113:1-3 (MSG) says, "Hallelujah! You who serve God, praise God! Just to speak his name is praise! Just to remember God is a blessing - now and tomorrow and always. From east to west, frown dawn to dusk, keep lifting all your praises to God!"
Focus on this, verses 5 & 6 says, "God is higher than anything and anyone, outshining everything you can see in the skies. Who can compare with God our God, so majestically enthroned, surveying his magnificent heavens and earth?"
So what if in the middle of our work, in the middle of our monotonous, mundane day we would stop for a moment and just think about God. Instead of looking down and all around at our difficulties we would look up at God who is majestically enthroned looking down on all of his magnificent work and a part of this is you and me? Then we could head back into doing what we are doing but with a fresh awareness of God's presence, of God's attention on us. What a difference that could make on our day.
The Psalmist goes on to say in verses 7-9 (NIRV), "He raises poor people up from the trash pile. He lifts needy people out of the ashes. He causes them to sit with princes. He causes them to sit with the princes of his people. He gives children to the woman who doesn't have any children. He makes her a happy mother in her own home. Praise the Lord."
Praising Him can and will make all the difference in our day, it really will. Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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