Tuesday... But we're not quitters. No way.
I looked this morning at the Stock Market numbers. Not looking too good. This has been a rough month. But I'm not a quitter. I got on the scales this morning. Didn't look good. But I'm not a quitter. This Covid is still around but I got up this morning to start a new day. But I'm not a quitter.
The writer of Hebrews 10 in verses 32-36 (MSG) says, "Remember those early days after you first saw the light? Those were the hard times! Kicked around in public, targets of every kind of abuse - some days it was you, other days your friends. If some friends went to prison, you stuck by them. If some enemies broke in and seized your goods. you let them go with a smile. Nothing they did bothered you, nothing set you back, So," (This is a great word) "So, don't throw it all away now. You were sure of yourselves then. It's still a sure thing!" Let me say that again. "It's still a sure thing! But you need to stick it out, staying with God's plan so you'll be there for the promised completion."
Verses 35 & 36 in the NLT says, "So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that he promised."
And then verse 39 (MSG), "But we're not quitters who lose out. Oh no! We'll stay with it and survive, trusting all the way." Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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