Tuesday... Even when . . . I will not be . . .
Here is the whole verse, Psalm 23:4 (NLT), "Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid," and here is the reason why, "for you are close beside me, Your rod and staff protect and comfort me."
This is probably a verse that needs to be put on our refrigerator or bathroom mirror. We need to be reminded each day that no matter what we are facing God is close beside us.
How do you handle darkest valleys? Do you go to pieces? It's the natural thing to do, isn't it? So how have you handled the pandemic? This is a darkest valley, isn't it?
A little over a week ago I took the first vaccine. I thought at my age that was the wise thing to do. So eight days later, which was Sunday I got the chills and I had a fever. Now during normal times I would take some Tylenol and go to bed but with the Covid I was not sure what to do so Stef, my daughter made an appointment to check if I had it. I should find out today or tomorrow if I'm positive or negative. And this could be a darkest valley but I don't have to be afraid no matter the result.
That's what this verse is talking about. Because we have a relationship with God we know He is close by and He is involved in whatever we are going through. No evil will come from it. Oh, there may be some pain but He will be close by.
The Amplified Bible says it this way, "Even though I walk through the [sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort and console me." And that is the truth. It really is.
By the way, I think it is just the vaccine doing its work. It probably isn't the flu because the mask helps in that and I wear a mask because that is the wise thing to do. It's part of that rod and staff thing, and that's the way God works. Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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