Friday... We are winners!
Psalm 149:4 (NLT) says, "For the Lord delights in his people; he crowns the humble with victory."
So if we humble ourselves, if we depend on Him, if we acknowledge that He is God, the only God, if we believe in Him, if we pray to Him, if we worship Him, if we praise Him, if we live for Him, if we follow Him, if we serve Him, if we read His Word, if we trust Him, if we give ourselves to Him, if we are faithful, and if we humble ourselves, then we will be victorious. I can do that, I will do that. And I want to be a delight to Him.
And then verse 5 (GNB) says, "Let God's people rejoice in their triumph and sing joyfully all night long."
Even in the midst of a pandemic, we can be victorious. There are so many people in our country who are so discouraged, so depressed, so angry, and they feel like losers because their candidate lost in the election. After the Super Bowl next Sunday many people will feel like losers because their team lost. But the Lord crowns the humble with victory.
So if you want to be a winner, humble yourself before God. We may feel sometimes that we are losers but we aren't and don't forget that. "For the Lord delights in his people, he crowns the humble in victory." The Good News Bible says, "The Lord takes pleasure in his people; he honors the humble with victory." We are winners! Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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