Sunday... He knows what He is doing. He really does.
The way He has organized our life is unbelievable. I mean He has put the years into months, the months into days, the days into hours and the hours into minuets. He has done all of that for us even though we blew up His plans in the beginning. And He knows what He is doing.
Now He knows what we need and Psalm 110:3b (NLT) shows that. It says, ". . . and your strength will be renewed each day like the morning dew." He knows what we need and He is actively involved in what we need.
With our days organized into 24 hours there is a set time for us to be awake being productive but in that time we get tired so He gave us a time to rest and then to start over with new strength for a new day and that is so encouraging to me.
He knows what I need and He knows what He is doing and He will give us new strength for each new day. Not strength for tomorrow but strength for today and then strength for tomorrow, tomorrow.
Now we live too many times in our tomorrows. I don't know if I can handle what I going through tomorrow. I am afraid at what is going to happen tomorrow. Have you heard what they are saying about tomorrow? I don't think I can make it. We don't have to make it in our tomorrows, but He gives us strength for today. He's out working on our tomorrows and He gives us direction and strength for today.
Thank You so much, God, for the simplicity of that fact. And thank You for the strength You have given me for today. Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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