Psalm 114:3 (NLT), "The Red Sea saw them coming and hurried out of the way! The water of the Jordan turned away."
Monday... Such a tremendous perspective.
I have read a chapter this morning in Exodus, Psalms and Matthew and it seems that the Psalmist hooks them together. Here is what Psalm 114:3 (NLT) says, "The Red Sea saw them coming and hurried out of the way! The water of the Jordan turned away." And then verse 5, "What's wrong, Red Sea, that made you hurry out of their way? What happened Jordan River, that you turned away?"
I love that. Some wish to worship nature but nature serves the one who is in control.
Now the tremendous perspective is that God can take care of what gets in our way. The Children of Israel were running from the great army of Egypt and the Red Sea was in their way but "The Red Sea saw them coming and hurried out of the way!" And then they were heading into their Promised Land and another river, the Jordan River was in their way and "The water of the Jordan turned away." Both of the rivers were pushed aside and they walked through them on dry ground. And verse 7 says, "Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob."
And then over to Matthew 14 there is another tremendous problem. Verses 15-16 says, "That evening the disciples come to him and said, 'This is a remoted place, and it's already getting late. Send the crowds away so they can go to the villages and buy food for themselves." By the way there were over 5,000 people. Yes, this was another tremendous problem and nature was in the way.
Verse 16, "But Jesus said, 'That isn't necessary - you feed them." You see, God sees problems from a tremendous perspective. Verse 17 says, "But we have only five loaves and two fish!' they answered." Yes, there is this Red Sea in front of us and then what about this Jordan River. Oh by the way we only have five loaves and two fish. Yes, God has such a tremendous perspective. He sees our impossible situations way differently than we do.
Verses 18-21 says, "'Bring them here,' he said. Then he told the people to sit down on the grass. Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up toward heaven, and blessed them. Then, breaking the loaves into pieces, he gave the bread to the disciples, who distributed it to the people. They all ate as much as they wanted, and afterward, the disciples picked up twelve baskets of leftovers. About 5,000 men were fed that day, in addition to all the woman and kids."
And then the disciples got into another major problem. They were in a boat and verse 24b says "a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves." And then verse 25 says, "About three o'clock in the morning Jesus came walking on the water." And when they saw him and from their perspective they thought he was a ghost. Verse 27 says "But Jesus spoke to them at once. 'Don't be afraid,' he said. 'Take courage. I am here.'" By the way Peter asked to also walk on the water and he did for awhile until he took his eyes off of Jesus and started sinking. And verse 32a says, "When they climbed back into the boat, the winds stopped." Jesus took care of the problem.
Yes, God sees our problems from such a tremendous perspective. And noticed what the people did, they followed God through the rivers, they gave Jesus what they had and they got him into their boat.
Again, "Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob." Yes, God has a tremendous perspective on what we are facing. Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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