Friday... It is so difficult to wait, unless.
It really is but it may be that God is not waiting but that he is working.
I'm reading in the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament and a big part of this book is about a man who was an unbelievable doer. He had such enthusiasm, Nothing got in his way of sharing the Good News. But look at Acts 24:27 (NIRV). It says, "Two years passed. Porcius Festus took the place of Felix. But Felix wanted to do the Jews a favor. So he left Paul in prison." Now do you think that Felix was in change of this situation? Do you?Yes, we too many times seem to think that God doesn't have the power to take care of situations in our lives. That the Felix's and Festus's or the Republicans and Democrats or the Conservatives or Liberals are in control.
What is it in your life that seems to have control over your life? Well, there are choices we make that seem to take over the situations in our lives but Paul was not a man who was striving to do his own thing. And he didn't sit those two years or all of the years after this in prison groaning and complaining and wondering where God was. No, I'm sure he continued to share the Good News no matter where he was and what he was going through. God used him even while he was in prison. And a big part of the New Testament was written by Paul while he was in prison.
Listen, God knows what he is doing. He is not waiting he is working. Many times he is working on us but for sure he is working through us no matter our situation.
Yes, we are in an evil time as a nation but I wonder what God is doing? I think for sure, he is working on us. Did you know that there is a revival going on in Communist China? Do you realize that the church back in those beginning days when it was called the Way was founded during days of persecution? I mean one of the main leaders of the Way was in prison.
Now this blog is a blog of encouragement but encouragement is also a means of prodding us to keep at it no matter what we are going through. God knows what he is doing and he is working. Yes he is. So trust him and keep at it. Show the world how he makes a difference even through tough times.
Yes, it is so difficult to wait unless we put our total trust in God. Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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