Thursday... They do come but then we can stop and realize.
Life has its disappointments. You look forward to doing something but then something happens and the plans change and you are so disappointed. Yes, disappointments come but when and if we stop and realize that God is in our corner and that he is working in our life and his blessings are all about us then a calmness and an appreciation comes over us because we know he knows what is best. Oh it can take awhile for the disappointment to go and the calmness and trust to come.
It can be so easy for disappointment to always be our companion. That's the way we can live always thinking that life never goes the way we want it to go. And some Christians live with that thought always on their mind. They are always, always disappointed.
Now the writer of Psalm 67:6 (CEV) says, "Our God has blessed the earth with a wonderful harvest! Pray for the blessings to continue and for everyone on earth to worship God." Verse 1 also says, "Our God, be kind and bless us! Then everyone on earth will learn to follow you, and all the nations will see your power to save us."
If we are constantly looking at life's disappointments then we will never see God's blessings.
This Psalm in The Message Paraphrase says, "God, mark us with grace and blessing. Smile! The whole country will see how you work, all the godless nations see how you save. God! Let people thank and enjoy you. Let all far-flung people become happy and shout their happiness because you judge them fair and square, you tend the far-flung peoples. God! Let people thank and enjoy you. Let all people thank and enjoy you. Earth, display your exuberance! You mark us with blessing, O God, our God. You mark us with blessing, O God. Earth's four corners - honor him!"
Now that is the way to handle disappointment. Let's stop and realize that God is in our corner and that he is marking us with grace and blessing and because of that even in disappointment, we can Smile! Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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