Monday... Now this can make such a difference.
The Apostle Paul over in the Acts of the Apostles in the NT of the Bible was being handed over and over to many different leaders. The Jews were wanting him killed for what he was telling about Jesus and His Resurrection. They hated him and now in chapter 26:1 (NLT) it says, "Then Agrippa said to Paul, 'You may speak in your defense.'"
We have this happening over and over with our five year old granddaughter. At five it seems that she is always in trouble and she wants to tell her side and it is very important to her to be allowed to do that. And it also is very important for each of the members of each of our families and even ourselves to be able to do that.
The Apostle Paul in verse 3 (NLT) says something that we want to say when we are in a difficult situation and telling our side. He says, "Now please listen to me patiently." We so many times want and need to say that and we also need to do that, don't we? Now of course with a five year old it seems like that is all we would be doing. But it also is very important.
Our five year old and her family are staying with us and this statement by Paul hit me. We too many times say what we say and don't want to hear the other side, especially a five year old and especially when it is us. But there are times that we need to listen patiently and we need to be listened to patiently, especially in our families. And this was a time that Paul really needed to have this King listen to him patiently. King Agrippa needed to hear the whole story. And so many times we do too.
Listening patiently to our kids, grandkids, our spouse, our parents, and our friends, is one of those showing we love them times. It is amazing what a difference listening patiently does in our relationships. There are so many people who need to be listened to patiently and there are so many times that we also want to say, "Now please listen to me patiently."
For Paul it meant whether he was in prison or not and also whether he was killed or not. And it was also very important for the King to hear because it could mean a change of life for him. Listening patiently can change our life and hearing the Good News of Christ's Resurrection and the difference it will make in our life and their life is definitely one of them.
Just a very good thought from God's Word that can make such a difference. Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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