Wednesday... Oh, we can be such alarmists. Yes we can.
I mean if we start our day on Fox News or CNN, then we can be scared to death and there are so many people who start their day like that.
I like how the writer of Psalm 11 puts it. He says in verses 1-3 (MSG), "I've already run to the arms of God. So why would I run away now when you say, 'Run to the mountains; the evil bows are bent, the wicked arrows aimed to shoot under cover of darkness at every heart open to God. The bottom's dropped out of the country, good people don't have a chance'?"
That's the key, who do we run to? And that is what makes all the difference in our days, in our life's view, isn't it?
I love that, "I've already run to the arms of God. So why would I run away now when you say..." That is what I have done. And that is such a good thing to do, isn't it? I'm not alarmed, I'm alive with exciting expectation in God's presence. "I've already run to the arms of God."
So let's not be alarmists but alive in faith. Let's show how running to God makes all the difference. Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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