Thursday... Storms, they are wild and roaring. Yes they are. Yes they are.
I've stood on shore and watched as the waves of a hurricane were hitting the shore. They were unbelievably. I have seen a tornado coming right at me. It was unbelievable.
Psalm 93:3 (MSG) says, "Sea storms are up God, Sea storms are wild and roaring, Sea storms with thunderous breakers." It seems that we are in some wild and roaring storms in our world, doesn't it? And we need some words of encouragement, don't we? There is no way that we on our own can handle these storms.
The Psalmist goes on in verse 4 (NLT), "But" I love the word "but." No matter what we are facing there is a "but." "But mightier than the violent ranging of seas, mightier than the breakers on the shore - the Lord above is mightier than theses!"
"But mightier." Say that over and over. "But mightier." "But mightier." But mightier than what we are facing today. But mightier than the storms that are raging around us. But mightier than the job problems, the relationship problems, our finances, our health and even the wars that are happening all around us. "The Lord above is mightier than these!"
The MESSAGE says, "Stronger than wild sea storms, Mightier than sea storm breakers, Mighty God rules from High Heaven." And then verse 5a says, "What you say goes - it always has."
Be encouraged, God knows what He is doing and what He says goes - it always has. "The Lord above is mightier than these."Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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