Friday... We earn the right to celebrate. We really do.
Proverbs 14:10 (MSG) says, "The person who shuns the bitter moments of friends will be an outsider at their celebrations."
So many times we see someone going through tough times and we it seems strive to stay away because of what we are going through. When in reality the difficulty that we are going through prepares us to help those going through tough times. God never wastes our difficulties. He uses them.
I understand when you are going through these difficulties you just seem to want to go somewhere and hide.
But that isn't what Jesus did. Do you remember the time that He was in a large crowd and a man came up to Him and told Him of his sick daughter so Jesus was headed to heal her but somehow He felt someone had touched Him and He stopped? He knew that this person needed Him so He stopped. But He was headed somewhere else, the crowd was pushing Him but He felt that someone had touched Him because they needed help. And the woman was healed and He then went on and healed the girl. Jesus saw a hurting people even in the midst of a crowd, even when He was headed somewhere else.
There are so many annoyances in our life and many times they are people. But what if they are hurting. What if God has put you in their life to be what they need.
"The person who shuns the bitter moments of friends will be an outsider at their celebrations." We love the celebrations but the bitter moments are another thing, aren't they? But that is when they need us. That is why we are their friend. That is where God wants us to make a difference. Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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