Friday... Three words that will have a significant effect.
They are found in the last verse in Proverbs 21.
The first word in verse 31 (MSG) is, do, "Do your best." Don't be a slaggard, don't just get by with little effort. Do your best. It doesn't say be the best. There are others around us that are ten talent people and we may be five. God has created you and given you opportunities that He wants you to do your best. You, you, your, your. The comparison here is with yourself and your potential not someone else. "Do your best."
Then prepare, "prepare for the worst." Now I know that none of us could see into our future, could see that a pandemic was ahead but we could be prepared no matter what was coming.
A great place to prepare is in our relationship with God. Having that daily time with Him. Cultivating a sensitivity to seeing what is ahead by spending time with God who is out ahead preparing our path.
I am a pretty positive person even to the annoyance of those around me but it is important for me to see the potential of difficulties ahead and to prepare for them.
Verse 1 (NIV) says, "In the Lord's hand the king's heart is a stream of water that he channels toward all who please him." If you have learned to see how God can bring good even out of the worst that can happen then you will be able to handle everything in between.
Verse 2 says, "A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart." Are you prepared for the worst? How is your heart?
Now God will want you to do somethings to prepare for your future. We are getting out of debt. We are saving for our retirement. We are striving to get fit physically. We are using our mind to keep it fit. We are cultivating our relationships with friends and family. We are striving to prepare for the worst that is ahead. And you can't start too early.
And then the third word is trust, (MSG), "then trust God to bring victory." He is our source. He is preparing the way. And He can be trusted to bring good even in the worst. He can be trusted. Nothing takes Him by surprise.
Verse 30 says, "Nothing clever, nothing conceived, nothing contrived, can get the better of God." Nothing, nothing, nothing can get the better of God.
So, "Do your best, prepare for the worst - then trust God to bring victory." Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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