Tuesday... We need to pray this prayer every day.
The writer of Psalm 67 starts in verse 1 by saying, "May God be merciful and bless us. May his face smile with favor on us." (NLT) I know I need to pray that prayer each morning when I get up and I'm sure you feel the same way.
There are three statements over in Mark 8 that Jesus said that show that even His disciples needed mercy. Maybe you can feel some of Jesus' humanness coming out. In verse 18, He says, "You have eyes - can't you see? You have ears - can't you hear? Don't you remember anything?" Then verse 21, " 'Don't you understand yet?' he asked them." And then in the last part of verse 33 He speaks to our problem when He said, "You are merely seeing things from a human point of view, not from God's"
Now there was a reason in each of those statements why Jesus was frustrated. He has a right to be frustrated with us but He also has mercy and He wants to bless us and of course we want His face to smile with favor on us. So we need to do all we can to strive to understand, that's where growth and maturity come in and then we need to also strive to see life from His point of view. And those are also a good prayer for us to also pray. O God, open my eyes to see and open my ears to hear. Please help me to understand and to remember what you have said and what you have done. Help me not to see things merely from a human point of view but from Your's.
Yes, we do need to pray for mercy but we also need to pray for our eyes to be opened to see from God's point of view. And what a difference that would make in how we view what we will be going through today. Please God help me to see from Your point of view. Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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