Thursday... Have you found yet that your payment is just not enough? Now that can be really frustrating, can't it? But it's not too late to stop and listen.
Psalm 49:1-4 (NIV), "Hear this, all you people, listen, all who live in this world, both low and high, rich and poor alike; My mouth will speak words of wisdom; the meditation of my heart will give you understanding. I will turn my ear to a proverb; with the harp I will expound my riddle:"
And hear it is, the riddle. Verses 5-9, "Why should I fear when evil days come, when wicked deceivers surround me - those who trust in their wealth and boast of their great riches?" Look at this, listen to this, "No one can redeem the life of another or give to God a ransom for them - the ransom for a life is costly, no payment is enough - so that they should live on forever and not see decay." The MESSAGE says, "The cost of rescue is beyond our means, and even then it doesn't guarantee LIfe forever, or insurance against the Black Hole."
And then verses 13-15, "This is what happens to those who live for the moment, who only look out for themselves: Death heards them like sheep straight to hell; they disappear down the gullet of the grave; They waste away to nothing - nothing left but a marker in a cemetery. But me? God snatches me from the clutch of death, and reaches down and grabs me." The NLT says, "But as for me, God will redeem my life. He will snatch me from the power of the grave."
Hebrews 11:6 says, "And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him." So let's put our trust in the One who can pay and has paid the price. Jesus died so that we might live, really live eternally. Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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