Wednesday... There are so many simple truths that make such a difference. Like these.
David in Psalm 28:6 (MSG) says, "Blessed be God - he heard me praying. He proved he's on my side; I've thrown my lot in with him"
First of all, God hears me when I pray. I'm not just talking and nobody is listening. He is listening, He hears me. And that is a simple truth that really makes a difference. I mean, the One who created all of this is listening when I pray. That is an awesome simple truth.
And then, "He proved he's on my side." He didn't just listen, he did something. He did something. "He proved he's on my side."
And then a third simple truth that makes all of the difference in my life. "I've thrown my lot in with him." I made a very important choice, I chose to follow Him. He may be on my side and I can talk to Him but if I don't reach out to Him, if I don't have a relationship with Him, then those two simple facts don't have a daily life-changing reality in my life. I need to throw in my lot with Him. And I have. Yes, I have. And that makes all the difference in how I handle, in how I face today.
Three simple truths that make all the difference. He hears me, He is on my side and I have thrown my life in with Him. And all of that can be true for you today. Yes, yes! #todaysbeginning
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