Psalm 77:11 (NLT), "But then I recall all you have done, O Lord; I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago." Friday... "But then" can make such a difference. So how is your friday going? Did you wake up in a mess and it just doesn't seem to be getting better? For those living in LA this is one of those times. I have lived there two different times and I have gone through some fires but nothing like what is happening right now. We turned the TV on last night and saw a house burning in Studio City just off of Coldwater Canyon. We live closed to where that fire was burning. Now when I lived there there were many fires "but then" they alway finally stopped. Now the words, "but then" are such a tremendous set of words. There are some people who never get to the "but thens" of life. They live in the deep troubles and that is where this Psalmist starts in Psalm 77:1-3 (NLT) by saying, "I cry out to God; yes, I shout. Oh, that God w...
Psalm 76:10 (NLT), "Human defiance only enhances your glory, for you use it as a weapon." Thursday... This too is real! Yes, yes, God is a God of love. And love had a great part in why he created us. But because of that, this too is real! Verse 9 in Psalm 76 (NLT) says, "You stand up to judge those who do evil, O God, and to rescue the oppressed of the earth." Yes, God's love must do something about this. That makes sense, doesn't it? And verse 10 somehow is connected to this fact. It says, "Human defiance only enhances your glory, for you use it as a weapon." Earlier, verses 7-9 says in the NIRV, "People should have respect for you alone. Who can stand in front of you when you are angry? From heaven you handed down your sentence. The land was afraid and became quiet. God that happened when you rose to judge. It happened when you came to save all your suffering people in the land." Now I don't know if what has happened in LA happened...